Children Are Especially Vulnerable to EMR Radiation

Their Immune Systems Are Still Undeveloped

Their Cells Are Rapidly Dividing

They Have a High Water Content
and Are Thus More Conductive to the Radiation

Their Nervous Systems Are Still Developing
Their Skulls Are Thinner - Radiation Is Absorbed Much More Deeply
Cell Phones and Brain Tumors
Those Under the Age of 20 Have
A Much Higher Risk of Brain Cancer
And Yet Brain Tumors Are Not the First Problem To Appear
As They Tend To Take 10-20 Years To Develop.
Where Might We See The Effects of EMR Radiation First?
The Autism Epidemic
The autism rate has gone from 1 in 10,000 children in the 1970's
to 1 in 50 children in 2012.
to 1 in 50 children in 2012.
The exponential increase in autism rates follows right behind
the exponential increases in wireless radiation.
the exponential increases in wireless radiation.
Top Medical Experts on
EMR Exposure and Autism

Dr. Martha Herbert MD, of Harvard Medical School, co-authored a chapter of the 2012 Bionitiative Report, entitled " Findings in Autism (ASD) Consistent with Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR). Link to Report
She states:
"While we aggressively investigate the links between autism disorders and wireless technologies, we should minimize wireless and EMF exposures for people with autism disorders, children of all ages, people planning a baby, and during pregnancy."
Danish Birth Cohort Studies
Second-Hand Radiation Effects on Young Children
Several Large Scale Studies Examined The Effects
of Mothers Who Used a Cell Phone
During Pregnancy
of Mothers Who Used a Cell Phone
During Pregnancy
They Found a Clear Association
Between The Mother's Use of a Cell Phone
And the Children's Later Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Invaluable EMR Presentation
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD, Emergency Room Physician
Electromagnetic Radiation
Health and Children 2014
Protecting Your Pregnancy
The Link Between Autism and EMR Levels in the Mother's Bedroom

A study conducted by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD found a direct correlation between EMR levels in the mother's bedroom during the pregnancy and neurological impairments in their children.
RF Microwave Radiation (Wireless) Exposures in Mom's Bed
Mothers who have birth to neurologically impaired children had been exposed to much higher levels of wireless radiation in their sleeping area. This could have resulted from WiFi routers in the home, WiFi devices, DECT cordless phones, wireless baby monitors, or a number of other sources.
Wireless is unnecessary and can be replaced with safer technology. Many of us just don't know until we are shown how high the radiation levels are, and what we can do about it.
Wireless is unnecessary and can be replaced with safer technology. Many of us just don't know until we are shown how high the radiation levels are, and what we can do about it.
Body Voltage Levels in Mom's Bed
Body voltage measures another type of EMR that has been associated with neurological issues in children.
We test for Body Voltage as part of our Comprehensive EMR Survey. You will know what exact levels are present in the sleeping area, and how we can reduce the fields - often by upwards of 95%.
Many who make these changes find this to be a wonderful experience. Sleep is much deeper and more peaceful. Dreams are more vivid. The body can truly let down and rejuvenate. Many find that they wake up with more energy and greater vitality.
We test for Body Voltage as part of our Comprehensive EMR Survey. You will know what exact levels are present in the sleeping area, and how we can reduce the fields - often by upwards of 95%.
Many who make these changes find this to be a wonderful experience. Sleep is much deeper and more peaceful. Dreams are more vivid. The body can truly let down and rejuvenate. Many find that they wake up with more energy and greater vitality.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD on Pre-Conception Healthcare:
EMR Testing of the Mother's Sleeping Area is Necessary
Dr. Toril Jelter MD on EMR and Autism and Child Behavior
Autism Symptoms Eliminated With Reduction of EMR
Dr. Jelter MD, general practitioner and pediatrician shares some remarkable cases of the benefits to children with neurological issues after their parents reduced the EMR levels at home.
Calming Behavior in Children with Autism and ADHD
Dr. Toril Jelter MD's Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Lowering Protocol
Reducing EMR in Your Home
Hire an Expert
Reason #1: Health is Precious
This is your health and your children's health. It isn't a place to practice with learning how to measure EMR. It generally takes a person a while to learn how to measure these kinds of fields, as there is a learning curve.
Reason #2: We Provide Step by Step Guidance
When you bring in an expert, we help walk you through the solutions. We make it as easy as possible, and get the levels down quickly.
Reason #3: We Provide Support For You and Your Family
For many families, one parent tends to understand the significance of this issue more quickly. This is normal, but it can be hard. Technology is really alluring, and often we help clients by sharing resources and support, so that both spouses understand the magnitude of the situation. Once things are put into perspective, and both parents are on the same page, things happen much easier.